AMP is supporting the Quantico Orienteering Club at today's event in Cunningham Falls State Park. AMP provided safety planning in advance of the event to ensure that participants remain safe while competing. If an injury occurs, or someone gets lost, trained AMP Team members are onsite and ready to provide medical care.
Preparing for an event involves training as a Wilderness EMT as well as bringing a robust communication system to wilderness locations. Having a communication system is crucial when cellular service is nonexistent. AMP always has team members at basecamp monitoring the radio, remaining in contact with providers, and relaying important information throughout the mission.
Do you have an upcoming event that needs additional safety and medical support? Are you interested in joining AMP? Want to make a donation to support our work? Learn more about Austere Medical Professionals (AMP) at! #amp #austeremedicine #austermedicalprofessionals #wildernessmedicine #ampMD #ampEMT #besafeinthewoods