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One Step at a Time

One step at a time. You can't rush. Nor should you run blindly through the woods. When the AMP Team heads out on a mission or for training, their safety is paramount. The correct gear (hiking boots, clothing, helmets, water & food, plus medical supplies and radios) are all worn or carried by the team. The wrong step could cause injury to a team member and prevent care from being delivered to a patient in need. The AMP Team is trained to provide medical care in wilderness environments as well as how to safely get to the patient and evacuate a patient out of austere settings.

Our next mission is on December 18 as we support the Navy Junior ROTC Mid-Atlantic Orienteering Championships. Whether you bring wilderness EMS skills, are interested in assisting with remote communications, love the wilderness, or have disaster medical skills - check us out: #amp #austeremedicine #austermedicalprofessionals #wildernessmedicine #ampMD #ampEMT #besafeinthewoods

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